Wednesday, August 25, 2010

50 reasons to exercise

1. Reduces your risk of getting heart disease.
2. Increases your level of muscle strength.
3. Improves the functioning of your immune system.
4. Enhances sexual desire, performance, and satisfaction.
5. Helps you to more effectively manage stress.
6. Helps you to lose weight - especially fat weight.
7. Improves the likelihood of survival from a myocardial infarction (heart attack).
8. Can help relieve the pain of tension headaches - perhaps the most common type of headache.
9. Improves your body's ability to use fat for energy during physical activity.
10. Increases the density and breaking strength of bones.
11. Helps to preserve lean body tissue.
12. Reduces the risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure).
13. Increases the density and breaking strength of ligaments and tendons.
14. Improves coronary (heart) circulation.
15. Increases circulating levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.
16. Assists in efforts to stop smoking.
17. Reduces your risk of developing type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes.
18. Can help improve short-term memory in older individuals.
19. Helps to maintain weight loss - unlike dieting, alone.
20. Helps relieve many of the common discomforts of pregnancy (backache, heartburn, constipation, etc.).
21. Reduces your anxiety level.
22. Helps control blood pressure in people with hypertension.
23. Reduces the viscosity of your blood.
24. Reduces vulnerability to various cardiac dysrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms).
25. Increases your maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max-perhaps the best measure of your physical working capacity).
26. Helps to overcome jet lag.
27. Slows the rate of joint degeneration in people with osteoarthritis.
28. Lowers your resting heart rate.
29. Helps to boost creativity.
30. Reduces circulating levels of triglycerides.
31. Helps the body resist upper respiratory tract infections.
32. Increases your anaerobic threshold, allowing you to work or exercise longer at a higher level, before a significant amount of lactic acid builds up.
33. Reduces medical and healthcare expenses.
34. Improves ability to recover from physical exertion.
35. Helps speed recovery from chemotherapy treatments.
36. Increases ability to supply blood to the skin for cooling.
37. Increases the thickness of the cartilage in your joints.
38. Gives you more energy to meet the demands of daily life, and provides you with a reserve to meet the demands of unexpected emergencies.
39. Increases your level of muscle endurance.
40. Helps you sleep easier and better.
41. Improves posture.
42. Improves athletic performance.
43. Helps you to maintain your resting metabolic rate.
44. Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer.
45. Increases your tissues' responsiveness to the actions of insulin (i.e., improves tissue sensitivity for insulin) helping to better control blood sugar, particularly if you are a Type II diabetic.
46. Helps to relieve constipation.
47. Expands blood plasma volume.
48. Reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer.
49. Helps to combat substance abuse.
50. Helps to alleviate depression.


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