Reason why you joined: I wanted to loose some weight, tone up and increase my general fitness prior to having children. Being fit and healthy made my pregnancy, childbirth and recovery exceptionally easy and enjoyable.
EFM Torrensville Health Club is not a gym! It is a Health Club that has members not clients and you actually know the persons name you are working out next to. My name is George Moustakas and I am your Coach who will supervise, guide and motivate you into the new fitter & healthier you! I hope you enjoy your time in my blog space and learn all about EFM Torrensville Health Club. Coach G
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Member Profile - Michelle Sorensen
Reason why you joined: I wanted to loose some weight, tone up and increase my general fitness prior to having children. Being fit and healthy made my pregnancy, childbirth and recovery exceptionally easy and enjoyable.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Member Profile - Jody Satala
Reason why you joined: I wanted to get healthy and lose weight.
Reason why you have stayed: With the fantastic help of the Torrensville Team I have achieved my weight loss goals! So now my fitness goals are endless so I’ve stayed to see how far I can push myself and to hopefully be an inspiration to others with weight loss.
Favourite exercise: Any ab exercises, they nearly make me pass out from not being able to breathe so hopefully that means they are working.
Philosophy on exercising: I’ve had to make exercise a priority not just an option and the benefits of that have definitely paid off – ‘no pain, no gain’
Favourite drink: Water and green tea with mint.
Favourite food: I would be lying if I said that chocolate was my least favourite food, BUT only in moderation.
Quote: “Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can” - C.W Longenecker
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
City to Bay 2010 - Ease into running...
The cardinal rule of the new runner is Be Patient. Your body needs time to adapt to this new activity you're asking of it. It may be uncomfortable at first, but you'll begin to see results fairly quickly. All the same, it's important to build gradually. Newcomers should follow these three rules:
- Run more slowly than you think you should.
- Don't run as far as you think you should.
- Run more often than you think you should.
Ease into running...
If you start by running too far, too fast, you'll wind up burned out at best, injured at worst. Possibly both. Take it easy, and give yourself time to learn to love to run. It doesn't happen immediately, and you'll probably experience a few aches and pains starting out. This is natural, and it will pass. It takes your body time to get used to what you're doing. Give it the time it needs. Like so many other things in life, running can be difficult and discouraging if not undertaken properly.
Use the "talk test" to figure out if your pace is appropriate. You should be able to talk comfortably while running; slow it down if you're running out of breath. Don't hesitate to alternate running and walking; if you feel lousy, take a breather and walk for a while. It's not a sign of weakness, just common sense.
The aim is to "train, not strain." If you are already fit from another sport, such as cycling or swimming or EFM workouts, it is still important to go a little easier at first than you might want to. It is too easy to push yourself past what your muscles and joints can stand at first.
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